Dear God,
Love, Me...

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You will be able to check out ALL THINGS DGLM here - the books, the merch, the DGLM Podcast and even special events that will be happening!
Dear God, Love, Me... is becoming so many different things that I never thought of before releasing the first book. My desire is that each piece of the puzzle continues to come together in a way that will uplift and encourage you every day!

So...what IS Dear God, Love, Me?
Well... Dear God, Love, Me - which I now refer to as DGLM for short (and you can, too!) is the brainchild that God birthed through me. It's a book series, it's apparel and merch... it's a podcast... it's also developing into a few other things that I've not shared just yet, but most importantly? DGLM is a heart posture.
It speaks to the intimacy that I pursue with God every day. In fact, each facet of DGLM is built on vulnerability, intimacy and sincerity. No - I'm not perfect.
No - I don't always "get it right", but I truly believe when we position ourselves to be vulnerable, intimate and sincere with God, it gives us POWER (vis).
Both volumes of the DGLM book series are formatted the same way. They are compilations of actual letters that I've written to God. These letters discuss various challenges that I've faced, and they're a real, raw expression of the way that I feel. Life has a way of "life-ing", and writing these letters has helped me to navigate through some really tough spots.
Each letter is paired with a reflection, which is really a picture of me circling back on the raw emotions associated with the challenge, and delving deeper into what I believe God was showing me in the midst of difficulty. Overall, my desire and aim is to help you, the reader, gain a little more insight into the challenges you may come up against on your own journey.
About the Author
Believer in and lover of Christ.
Wife. Mother. Lover of laughter.
Singer. Preacher. Creative. Podcaster.
Born and raised on Long Island, New York, Ro possesses a passionate and fiery personality which comes across in the way she shares the Gospel truth. Though laid-back and conversational in her writing style, Ro wholeheartedly believes that every child of God has an urgent responsibility to win souls to Christ with love and leading by example.
She endeavors to help others see that we all should nurture and cultivate our gifts so that when they're shared, God is glorified.

Book Series
That’s the exact habit that will take your relationship with God to the next dimension. He requires a level of intimacy with us that cannot be established without transparent, real expression and communication. Besides - who better to share your exact sentiments with but the One who created you? God knows you better than you know yourself, and every challenge you face can be overcome with Him. We all face trying times. We all get to a place where we don’t know which way to go. We all have moments of weakness and moments where we want nothing more than to throw in the towel... but let this series be proof to you that you are not alone, and that you can experience peace on the other side of the storm you’re facing.